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+91 9290034933

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Plot no. 100C, Sector 4, Vaishali Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201012

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Trusted by leading brands and startups

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Prioritizing client
satisfaction always.

We believe in your dreams and your visions as much as we believe in our own. Our honesty is reflected in the work that we do and the products that we deliver.

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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

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Ansh Gupta
Dolphin Solutions
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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

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Shruti Mishra
Dolphin Solutions
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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

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Anil Sharma
Dolphin Solutions
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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

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Anil Sharma
Dolphin Solutions
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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

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Anil Sharma
Dolphin Solutions
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Techype seamlessly integrated with ours, bringing a wealth of expertise and efficiency to the table.

client image
Anil Sharma
Dolphin Solutions


Techype was built with all types of businesses & entrepreneurs in mind. Contact us with your requirements using this form for more.



Contact us

  • +919289034933
  • Plot no. 100C, Sector 4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201012
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